
Conference at UCSB MAT, Santa Barbara | 7th December 2015

Engineering Science Building
Room 2001

Touch presents… Live in Los Angeles | 11th September 2015


8:00PM – 11:00PM Nightly, Workshop 12:00PM – 4:00PM, $20 – $70

VOLUME and LACE present the second Resonant Forms festival for three days from September 11 – 13, 2015

Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions [LACE]
6522 Hollywood Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90028

Simon Scott
Bethan Parkes
Jen Boyd
Mike Harding [live mix]


Procedure | Los Angeles 25th August 2015


For more information…

Touch presents… Live at Elephant | Los Angeles 21st June 2015


VOLUME is pleased to present an evening of outdoor performances by Touch-related artists curated by Mike Harding.

Elephant 3325 Division St. Los Angeles, CA 90065
$5 Doors 5pm Bar

Yann Novak
OFFING [Chris Duncan]
Mike Harding (live mix)

Falmouth University Music Dept. | 2nd – 6th February 2015

SONVA Winter Fest week

Sonva is a Cornish word meaning a ‘place of sound’ and is the name of the Research Group and the Music community at large at Falmouth University.
From analogue to digital…and back?

Mike Harding introduces Touch (1982-2016+), an art project which has witnessed much change in the world of sound and its relationship not only to art but also how the “real world” of studios, record stores and distribution has changed; how perception of the role of artists, now largely dominated by public funding, has shifted. He will look at the way artists have adapted to working in a digital environment (even if the essence of the work is analogue) and how they see themselves and their role, and also the role the growing number of female artists has played and the influence this is having on the artistic community.

He will look specifically at the work of Chris Watson, Jana Winderen, Hildur Gudnadottir, BJNilsen, Philip Jeck and Christian Fennesz, all artists with whom he has a long-standing relationship. Mike will also discuss copyright and the realities of a world where music has virtually lost all monetary value, and how this unfolded. He will also look at what can go wrong, often more illustrative than what goes right, with an historical glance at the incompatibilities of the laws and digital technology…

Mike will also introduce the students to “freq_out”, a project created and curated by CM von Hausswolff, which asks them to participate in a collaborative frequency experiment which will be presented by them at the end of the period.

Falmouth University

Bulgarian TV | 25th October 2014

Appearing on national television in Sofia with Carl Michael von Hausswolff and Pepa Ivanova before a lecture at the University of Sofia

Start viewing at 35:05…

AxS Festival, Pasadena | 27th September 2014

Mike Harding is appearing at the Axs Festival, Pasaena, California at 730pm on Saturday 27th September

Visuals: Jon Wozencroft
Audio: mixed from the Touch catalogue

You can see a video about the festival here [Courtesy of the Pasadena Arts Council]
AxS Festival

Tapeworm 5th Birthday Party | 16th September 2014

I might be doing something at this event at Cafe Oto…

details here

Acoustic City Book Launch | 14th September 2014

from 6pm in the Arcola Bar, Dalston, London

Free and open to all

The evening will mark the London launch of the Acoustic City book edited by Matthew Gandy and BJ Nilsen

+ Jana Winderen @ Punkt | Norway 5th September 2014

Friday September 5th.

12:00-12:45 Michael Engelbrecht – Storytelling for burning songs (Or: how to make radio magic)
13:00-13:45 Jana Winderen & Mike Harding – From Punk to Punkt
14:00-14:45 Laurie Anderson – A meeting with Laurie Anderson

Saturday September 6th.

12:00-12:45 Henning Bolte & Jan Bang …

Punkt Festival

One Minute of Listening

Minute of Listening is an exciting and innovative project that has the potential to provide all primary-aged children with the opportunity to experience sixty seconds of creative listening each day of the school year. By downloading a simple application to their laptops, desktops or interactive whiteboards, teachers can bring a wealth of sonic resources into their classrooms.

For a full list of contributors:

Lecture & Conference | Evreux, France 14th June 2014

SATURDAY, JUNE 14th | 17h | Media Center of Evreux


Denis BOYER (Feardrop) | Mike HARDING (Touch) | Thierry WEYD (Ésam Caen-Cherbourg)
Collaboration |’Atelier(s) | Media Center | Ésam Caen-Cherbourg | Feardrop

Free entrance

Media Center, Square Georges Brassens, 27000 Évreux – France

Before Jana Winderen and Thomas Köner concert the same day at the Museum of Art History & Archeology cloister, a lecture will be provide by Denis Boyer, director of sound review Feardrop, on its texts on the Ice musical Imagination (L’imaginaire musical des glaces) and german musician Thomas Köner.

Presentation of the British label Touch with the presence of its director Mike Harding (who publishes among other works, Jana Winderen and Thomas Köner), and Thierry Weyd (teacher and editor) in the matter of Jana Winderen residency at the Laboratory of Art and Water initiated by Esam Caen-Cherbourg (Art Academy).

Franck Dubois, director of |’Atelier(s) and Frédéric Cosset, president of |’Atelier(s) will question Denis Boyer, Mike Harding and Thierry Weyd.

Q&A with Philip Jeck | 25th May 2014

Mike Harding hosts a Q&A with Philip Jeck at 4:30pm on Sunday. An immense musical event featuring performances from Robert Millis, Phillip Jeck, Basic House, Lee Patterson, Female Band, and Dean McPhee.

Fuse ArtSpace


Facebook entry here

Private Island | Los Angeles 28th March 2014


freq_out 10 | Marrakech Biennial February 2014

Theatre Royal


freq_out 10 will be held from February 25th to March 1st 2014


The tenth version of the sound installation freq_out will be executed in Theatre Royal in Marrakech, Morocco, in conjunction with the 5th Marrakech Biennial.

The pre-opening of the exhibition is on February 25, 2014. The 5th Marrakech Biennial is curated by Hicham Khalidi. Additional concerts and performances by freq_out artists will occur from February 27th to March 1st.

Curated by Carl Michael von Hausswolff and Jacob Kirkegaard


Maia Urstad, JG Thirlwell, Franz Pomassl, The Sons of God (Kent Tankred & Leif Elggren), Mike Harding, Christine Ödlund, Tommi Grönlund & Petteri Nisunen, leif e. boman, BJ Nilsen, Brandon LaBelle, Kamarstudios, Jacob Kirkegaard
Click here for participants’ biographies.

Acoustic Images, Royal College of Art | London 13th February 2014

Thursday 13th February, 10.45am
Performing Arts Lab


Mike Harding

Within the metropolitan area of London, select, record and describe a suitable LISTENING POST (in contrast to viewpoints of scenic vistas, with car parks, telescopes and waste bins). It could be an audio oasis or parenthesis to escape the urban audio assault, or it could be an enclosed space with peculiar acoustics. The aim is to encourage engagement and thereby involvement, with your urban area by LISTENING, which is the essential forerunner (and possible substitute) for any audio recording.

Mike will introduce the morning and play recent works by BJNilsen and Jana Winderen, amongst others, whose recent works have described contrasting areas of spaces, one urban the other invisible.

From midday to 3pm, students will be ‘on location’ before re-assembling to discuss their experiences.

Pepa Ivanova:

Sounding Poetry of Perception – storytelling in soundscapes

Pepa is currently mentored by Touch

University of Glasgow Concert Hall | Glasgow 11th February 2014

PULSE and The University of Glasgow present Chris Watson

Tuesday 11 February 2014, 7.30pm

University of Glasgow Concert Hall

Included in the programme will be a Q&A with Mike Harding from Touch.
You can read an article in the Glasgow Herald about Chris’s work.

Storm | 27th – 28th October 2013

Here you can hear a sample of the overnight storm (“St Jude”), which hit the UK in the early hours today. This recording was made at 6am on 2 x dpa omni mics in Balham, south west London


The full recordings can be heard in November on Long Wave, resonancefm

Visiting Lecturer at Lincoln University | 18th October 2013


Recently I gave a talk to the students on the Audio Culture module at Lincoln University

A blog has been made here by David McSherry, who also took the photo

Long Wave Series 1 | Resonancefm

Mike Harding hosted a new show, “Long Wave”, on resonance104.4fm starting 8th October 2013… and continued for 13 episodes at 2230 UK time each Tuesday (repeated 0430 Wednesdays).

Long Wave Series 1 [2013]

Episode 1 – Phill Niblock

Episode 2 – Spire

Episode 3 – Generator

Episode 4 – The Tapeworm

Episode 5 – Sohrab

Episode 6 – Budhaditya Chattopadhyay

Episode 7 – Storm St. Jude

Episode 8 – Finnbogi Pétursson

Episode 9 – EVP

Episode 10 – Katja Seltmann with Irene Moon

Episode 11 – Tim Maloney

Episode 12 – The Cap Report

Episode 13 – Charlie Campagna

Also, at 10.30pm every day from 23rd December to 3rd January inclusive, the whole series will be repeated, “so the new shows (the last two in the current series [due on 24th December and 31st December] will slot into the entire sequence, a little anti-intuitively perhaps.” [Ed Baxter, resonancefm]

Long Wave: suspending time and immersing the listener in a widescreen of sound